; Nixie tube datasheet index ; entered by David Forbes 5July2003 ; TAB separates columns ONLY!! ; #h catalog name, one word ; #s catalog description, N words ; #b catalog sections, ; #n N highest page number (catalogs without device numbers only page images) ; blank line, ; line ignored ; all else data: 'tube \t pagenums'. Uses last-defined if 'pagenums' missing. ; Use eg. 5/6 for split pages #h Burroughs-1061K #s Burroughs Specifying Guide - Electronic Components & Systems 1970 #n 16 #b Self-Scan panel displays 2/3 SSD1000-0030 2 SSD1000-0040 SSD1000-0020 3 #b Indicator tubes 4-7 B4998 4 B4032/7977 B5991/8422 B5092/8421 B6091/8423 5 B8091 B7037 B5750 6/7 B5853 B5855 B5856 B5859 B5870 B5791 7 B8971 B7971 #b C-2500 series modules 8-9 C2502 8/9 C2504 C2506 #b BIPCO modules 10-13 BIP-8910 10 BIP-2610 BIP-2611 BIP-8804 11 BIP-8806 BIP-9800 12 BIP-8054 BIP-8055 BIP-8701 BIP-8503 13 BIP-8510 BIP-8509 #b Bezels 14 #b Panaplex 15 BR16400 15 #h Burroughs-616 #s Nixie Indicator Tubes - Characteristics and Circuit Design Data c.1962 #n 28 #b Contents 3 #b Introduction 4 #b Selection guide 5 #b Miniature tubes 6 B4081 6 7977/B4032 7009 B4021 #b Standard and Super tubes 7 6844A 7 8037/B5031 B5092 7153 B6033 B6091 #b Large and Jumbo tubes 8 B8091 8 B7094 #b Characteristics and Design Data 9-10 #b Drivers - Beam-X, transistor, trixie 11-20 BX2000 11/12 BX1000 12/13 BX2001 13 #b Accessories: sockets, Trixie modules, straighteners 21-25 #b Special character tubes 26 B4022/BD-255 26 B4028 B4031 B5016/BD-216 B5032 B50911 B5018/BD-216 B50113/BD-211 B6012/BD-214 B6034 #h National-SB26F #s National Electronics, Inc. Readout Tubes Catalog SB-26F c.1967 #n 12 #b Introduction 2 #b Selection guide 3 #b End view tubes 4-5 NL-7094 4 NL-8091 NL-8423/6091 NL-6034 NL-7153 NL-6012 NL-6844A NL-5016 NL-8037/5031 4/5 NL-5032 NL-8421/5092 5 NL-50911 NL-8422/5991 NL-5992 NL-809 NL-7009 NL-8502/4021 NL-7977/4032 NL-4031 #b Side view tubes 6 NL-7037 6 NL-807 NL-803 NL-811 NL-812 NL-5030 #b Ratings, Characteristics and Application Notes 7-9 #b Mounting and Packaging 10 #b Readout tube Sockets 11 #h National-misc #s National Electronics loose data sheets 1968 #n 16 NL-4998 1/2 NL-840/8754 3/4 NL-841 NL-842 NL-843 NL-848 NL-844 5/6 NL-845 NL-846 NL-847 NL-874 7/8 NL-875 NL-876 NL-877 NL-884 NL-900 9/10 NL-901 NL-902 NL-903 NL-904 NL-905 Nl-906 Nl-907 NL-908 NL-940 11/12 NL-950 13/14 NL-5750 15/16 #h Burroughs-misc #s Burroughs loose data sheets 1968 #n 13 B5750 1/2/3/4 B5855 5/6/7/8 B5856 9/10 B5859 11/12 SK207 13 #h National-price #s National Electronics Price list Feb 1969 #n 4 #h National-xref #s National Electronics display tube & socket cross reference #n 2 ; ZZZ